
MCJ学术|走进音乐学部,探寻同学们多才多艺背后的学校支持 Explore MCJ Music Education

MCJ 米德尔顿学校金华校区 2024-01-11

Author|Aron Rozsa

Translator and Editor|Julie Li

在过去的一年中,MCJ音乐部门大放异彩,不仅取得诸多荣誉,而且多次举办了精彩纷呈的音乐活动或者赛事,2021冬季MCJ学院音乐竞演的许多高光时刻还依然让我们回味。我们也看到有越来越多的同学选择了音乐课程,或者是进行了一对一的专业器乐课程。这次我们邀请到MCJ音乐总监Aron Rozsa来为我们解读米德尔顿音乐教育的独特之处。


MCJ文化|乘着歌声的翅膀——MCJ年度学院音乐竞演回顾 MCJ House Music Competition Review

In the past year, the MCJ music department not only won many honors, but also held many wonderful music activities and competitions. Many highlights of the 2021 MCJ House Music Competition still make us reminisce. We also see that more and more students choose music courses or take one-on-one professional instrumental music courses. This time, we invite Aron Rozsa, the Head of MCJ Music Department, to guide us to explore MCJ music education.

MCJ音乐总监艾伦 · 罗兹

Mr.Rozsa 有14年的音乐教学经验,且有多年国际学校GCSE和A-Level音乐课程教学经验,学生GCSE、A-Level音乐成绩通过率100%,其中有较大比例的学生成绩达到A等级。获得过奥地利维也纳国际音乐大奖、Sir. George Solti 基金奖多项国际、英国、法国等地音乐比赛奖项。


MCJ的音乐教育非常独特,因为它是由在国内外专业从事音乐表演事业的音乐家进行授课的。MCJ的音乐教育还包括为每个选择了音乐课程的学生提供一对一的器乐/声乐教学(根据学生选择的乐器/声乐),这在省内也是非常独特的。MCJ 音乐还利用了最新的音乐技术,包括一套 7 台新的iMac电脑,全部更新了最新的Sibelius乐谱软件。MCJ音乐教育致力于满足每个学生的个人需求,以确保学生能在任何级别校园活动中得到充分参与。

MCJ music education is unique because it is delivered by practicing musicians, who all have performing careers within China and abroad. MCJ music education also includes one to one instrumental/vocal tuition for each music student (on his or her chosen instrument/voice), which is unique to MCJ within Zhejiang Province. MCJ music also makes use of the latest music technology, including a suite of 7 new iMac computers, all updated with the latest Sibelius music notation software. MCJ music also caters to every student’s individual needs, to ensure full participation across the college, at any level.


目前MCJ学生接受以下乐器的一对一辅导教学:钢琴、长笛、小提琴、架子鼓、吉他、声乐。此外,所有 MCJ 音乐课程的学生都会定期参加 ABRSM(英国皇家音乐等级考试)和Rockschool摇滚校园音乐等级考试。

MCJ students currently benefit from individual, one to one tuition on the following instruments:

Piano/Flute/Violin/Drum Kit/Guitar/Voice. ABRSM and Rock School instrument examinations are regularly taken by all MCJ music students.



11年级IGCSE音乐、12年级IGCSE音乐、12年级AS/A级音乐、乐队ECA:由两名 MCJ音乐学生主导。同时所有音乐课学生也都学习ABRSM英皇音乐等级考级理论。

Currently, around 25% of the current MCJ student cohort has elected to take music as one of their iGCSE/AS/A level options. The current music classes are as follows:
Year 11 GCSE music / Year 12 GCSE music / Year 12 AS/A level music. There is also a weekly MCJ Band ECA, which is led by two MCJ music students. ABRSM theory is also taught at all levels.



· 一名学生钢琴家在CCTV中国全国青少年艺术展全国总决赛中获得一等奖,并在比赛的每个阶段获得一等奖;

· 2020年末成功举办了一场新年音乐会,参加人数众多,见证了MCJ与本地音乐学校之间的合作;

· 广泛的课外音乐课程,包括一对一的钢琴、吉他和架子鼓课程等;

· MCJ学院演唱比赛;

· 成立了一支由学生领导的乐队,并且是课外音乐课程的一部分。

· 成立了一个更专业的吉他俱乐部,也是课外活动的一部分。

· 2021年第一批MCJ同学参加ABRSM音乐理论考试通过率达到100%。

· 2021年12月举行的首届MCJ学院音乐竞演非常成功,这一赛事也将会成为一年一度的盛会。

· 计划在本学年开展更多音乐相关的活动,其中将包括MCJ/金华钢琴日等。

The music department, though only operating since September 2020, has already notched up some notable successes:


· One student pianist has been awarded a place in the national finals of the CCTV China National Teenage Art Show, after being awarded 1st Prizes in every stage of the competition.

· A successful and well attended New Year’s Eve concert, which saw collaboration between Myddelton College and local music schools.

· The beginnings of a broad co-curricular musical offering, including one to one piano, guitar and drum kit lessons.

· A House singing competition.

· A student led College Band, as part of the co-curricular music option.

· A further specialized Guitar Club, also as part of the co-curricular offering. 

· 100% Pass/Merit Pass rate for the first batch of MCJ ABRSM Theory of Music examination entries in 2021.

· Highly successful first MCJ House Music Competition, which took place in December of 2021; this will be an annual event. 

· Future planned events this academic year will include an MCJ/Jinhua piano day.



Music is a collaborative art form, which encourages students to work, together, share ideas and learn to manage their time effectively. Music is also a very good way to develop self-discipline, work towards goals and is also valued highly by UK and US universities:


The link above is a list of A level facilitating subject for the London School of Economics, one of the UK’s top universities, and it includes A level music as a preferred A level subject choice.




随着我们搬到先进的新校区,下一学年将看到MCJ音乐课程的进一步大扩展。我们将拥有梦幻般的新教室、专业的乐器教学工作室、顶级录音室、600 个座位的学校礼堂和全新的优质钢琴。这都将成为MCJ音乐学部的一部分。

The next academic year will see a huge expansion of the MCJ music programme, with our move to the state of the art new campus. Fantastic new classrooms, specialist instrumental teaching studios, a top of the range recording studio, a 600 seat school hall and a brand new fleet of the best pianos will all form part of the MCJ musical offering.


For more detailed introductions of MCJ, please click the links below:



MCJ学术|走进音乐学部,探寻同学们多才多艺背后的学校支持 Explore MCJ Music Education

